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FOOD POISONING (FOODBORNE ILLNESS)  It is the illness that occures when you take in food or drink that is contaminated with parasites, viruses, harmful chemicals, bacteria and/or their toxins.  When you take in these contaminated foods, your intestine becomes infected and irritated producing the discomfort you may feel. The exposed garden eggs, vegetables, cucumber, pineapple you buy can easily get contaminated, requiring proper washing before eating because you don't cook them.  CONTAMINATION OF FOOD CAN OCCUR DURING: Production Growing Harvesting Processing Storage Shipping Preparation and eating SYMPTOMS: Symptoms can start within hours or days after you have eaten the food. The symptoms can resolve on its own but sometimes you may need medical attention.  Some of the symptoms are: Diarrhea which may be bloody Nausea Vomiting Abdominal cramps  Fever Headache  Muscle pain  Joint pain  Painful and urgent need to pass little or no stool (Tenesmus)  These symptoms may de


Swallowing of air can be a habit or a medical condition and t's called aerophagy or aerophagia.  Swallowing air voluntarily or involuntarily from foods and drinks won't make your fart smell. It will be odorless. Some of the air is released by mouth (when you belch), some are absorbed into your blood while you release some as fart and they won't smell. Your fart smells when you ingest certain foods that may undergo putrefaction in your large intestine. Some of the bacteria in your intestine ( which is normal) acts on these foods producing sulfur or compounds that has sulfur. Sulfur is fowl smelling. Some of these foods or substances are beans, egg, milk, garlic, alcohol, onions, fish, chicken, cabbage to mention a few. Many of them contain sulfur. Some are high fiber containing foods so will take long to break down creating enough time for bacteria to ferment them. Some high fiber foods are Avocado, popcorn, banana, almonds, sweet potatoes etc. NEXT TIME YOU WANNA FART


GYMNASTICS Gymnastics is a form of physical exercise that involves series of movements which requires mental energy, physical strength, balance, endurance and coordination to achieve a desirable physique or body state. BENEFITS: Increases your flexibility and agility Promotes good bone health Builds your self-esteem Builds your confidence Prevent diseases like diabetes Builds endurance Promotes self discipline Builds your strength Helps in learning and improves concentration Motor skill development Promotes healthy lifestyle Builds your focus If you find this post useful, kindly comment below and share. Thanks for reading


Headache is simply a painful sensation inside the head or the face.  Generally, pain can be: 1- Sharp 2- Dull 3- Pulling 4- Stabbing 5- Pricking 6- Burning 7- Throbbing (Pounding or pulsating)  Headache is usually throbbing, sharp or dull.  COMMON CAUSES: 1- Stress /anxiety 2- Dehydration 3- Starvation/hunger 4- Light 5- Caffeine (in coffee)  6- Lack of sleep/sleep disturbances 7- Poor posture 8- Infections  9- Tumor inside the skull cavity( inside the head)  10- Head Injury 11- some medications TYPES OF HEADACHE:   1- Primary 2- Secondary   PRIMARY HEADACHES 1- Tension-type headache 2- Migraine 3- Cluster headache 4- Exertional SECONDARY HEADACHES 1- Systemic infection 2- Head Injury 3- Vascular disorders (Bleeding/ ischemia as in stroke)  4-  Brain tumors REMEDY : 1- Paracetamol 2- Aspirin (Not for people with heart or kidney failure)  3- Ibuprofen (Not for people with heart or kidney failure)  4- Dim lights 5- Sleep  6- Ice/ cold pack  7- Feeding 8- Rehydration 9- Head repositioning


Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual or period pain)  Dysmenorrhea is a painful sensation felt usually at the lower abdomen by females in reproductive age before and/or during a menstrual period.  It is the cramping pain you feel when you are on your period.  It usually begin after your ovulation and can be mild or severe.  4 out of 5 ladies in reproductive age are said to have cramps.  How does it happen?  Your uterus (womb) releases a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin from it's lining.  During your menstruation, the prostaglandin mediates the contraction and relaxation of the muscles of your uterus so that it will expel unwanted tissues and blood from it's lining.  Excess of prostaglandin causes a more serious contraction which will reduce blood flow to that area of your uterus. By doing this, oxygen (which is carried in the blood) to that area is reduced causing pain.  When cramps is from menstruation, it is called primary dysmenorrhea. When it is from other disease conditions


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's)  These are group of drugs that provide analgesic (Pain relieve), antipyretic (Fever reduction), and in high doses, anti-inflammatory effects.  Commonly used ones are: Aspirin (Ace ty salicylic acid)  Ibuprofen Napoxen Indomethacin Piroxicam Diclofenac Meloxicam Celecoxib Indications (medical uses): Dymenorrhoea (menstrual pain)  Migraine and headache Acute gout Metastatic bone pain Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Pyrexia (fever)  Ileus Renal colic Coagulation disorders - Aspirin is used in this condition  Tennis elbow  Post operative pain Inflammatory arthropaties like ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis etc In neonates to close a patent doctus arteriosus Contraindications: They should be avoided by ; Pregnant women especially those in third trimester  People with peptic ulcer People with uncontrolled hypertension  People who have had  a history of stroke or transient ischaemic attack (neurological deficit lasting less than


COMMON CAUSES OF CHEST PAIN. The feeling of pain on your chest can have various possible causes. Medically, these causes can be called "differential diagnosis". You may have experienced pain on your chest many a time and sometime it disappears on it's own.  However, chest pain can be so disturbing that it is referred to another area of your body. It can as well be troubling in a way that limits your usual activities.  These are the common causes of chest pain; Cardiac (Heart) origin: Myocardial ischemia (Angina pectoris)  Myocardial infarction Pericarditis  Heart valves dysfunction  Respiratory (lungs) rigin: Pneumonia Bronchospasm Pulmonary infarction Tuberculosis Pulmonary embolism Pneumotborax Tracheitis Cancer  (Malignancy)  Musculoskeletal origin: Rib injury/ fracture  Osteoarthritis Exercise like weight lifting  Costochondritis  Epidermic myalgia  Chest muscle injury Neurological origin Herpes zoster Intervatebral disc prolapse Vascular origin: Aortic dissection Aor