

MGBEOKWERE CHIBUIKE MICHAEL You might be wondering how obesity really causes diabetes, the relationship between the two. Obesity is just excess fat and diabetes is as a result of excess sugar so what could be the relationship. Why is it that people who have obesity are always advised to exercise, burn those fats and remain healthy?  Well, in this article you'll understand what obesity really is, what overweight is, how to check them and their role in diabetes.  At least 2.8 million people die each year as a result of being overweight or obese and in 2008, over 40 million preschool children were overweight worldwide.  In 2016,more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight and 650 million were obese.  WHAT IS OBESITY?  Obesity is accumulation of fat in your body at a level that exposes you to health and psychosocial problems. Similar definition is given to "overweight " but the difference is gotten from checking the body mass index(BMI).  Body mass index (BMI) is the body'


                                                       The importance of television in our homes cannot be overemphasized. Watching news, sports, films, religious programs, historical events, academic programs, documentaries, wild and domestic life, music videos, reality shows, animations, cartoons, skill acquisition programs etc. It's obviously very important to have such gadget in your home. But what happens when this is abused or misused? What happens when there's addiction especially from the kids?  What happens when pleasure dominates over morality and necessity? Do you get rid of your tv or lock it up in a room or a place far from the children's reach?  It is agreeable that the psychology of an adult and a child isn't the same. As an adult you are expected to be moral, know when to stop, know what to do and when to do it. So it is safe to say that the destructive influence of home media on you as an adult isn't a thing compared to the i


❂✿❂✿❂✿❂✿❂ You might have been wondering why your penis doesn't stand for a long time before going back to its normal state. It must have been a thing of concern to you that you don't have good penile erection to satisfy your partner.😔 At times your partner may not complain and act like everything is normal. She just doesn't know how to tell you for fear of making you embarrassed. Without ejaculation, your penis is meant to remain standing (erected) upon sexual stimulation unless the arousal is suspended.  As far as there's sexual stimulation and without ejaculation, there should be erection.  ❂✿❂✿❂✿❂✿❂ For you to have erection, there must be increased blood flow to your penis. As this happens, your arteries and arterioles (Which are blood vessels that take blood from the heart to an organ) of your penis will dilate and your veins(which take blood away from an organ and back to the heart) will be compressed so that blood will no leave your penis. The build u


WHEN NEW YORK’S POOR REVOLTED AGAINST THE CITY’S GRAVE-ROBBING MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT. America’s first anatomy riot started with a crass joke. One afternoon in April 1788 a medical student was dissecting a woman’s body in a lab at New York Hospital. Suddenly, he realized he wasn’t alone. A gang of street urchins had gathered at the window outside—gaping wide-eyed at a real-life dead person. This annoyed the student, who wanted to work in peace. So to spook the boys, he reportedly grabbed the cadaver’s arm and waved it at them, hollering, “This is your mother’s arm. I just dug it up!” Har har. Unfortunately, one of the boys had indeed just lost his mother, and he ran home to his father bawling. The father in turn grabbed a shovel and marched out to his late wife’s grave. He found exactly what he expected inside it—nothing—and he was furious. He wasn’t the only one. Hundreds of other New Yorkers were every bit as angry with the hospital’s doctors. Folks were sick and tired of abuse at the


THE BRITISH-IGBO WAR THAT LASTED FOR 31 YEARS (1883-1914).  From  THE FIERCEST WARRIORS THAT FOUGHT THE BRITISH FOR 31 YEARS:  The British penetration of Nigeria met with various forms of resistance throughout the country. The Ekumeku Movement consisted of a series of uprisings against the rising power of the Royal Niger Company of the British Empire in Anioma, the Igbo subgroup in present day Delta State. The resolutions of the Berlin conference of 1884-1885, gave European nations the rights to lay claim to lands and resources in Africa. Britain, who had engaged in the trade with coastal cities before and during the 19th century, made bold their intentions to covet resources and rule over indigenous nations all over Africa. They came with guns and preachers. Many Africans tribes resisted the British invaders, and this led to protracted wars. Many African tribes put up a great fight against the superior firepower of the suppr


A NATURAL RESISTANCE TO HIV INFECTION. By Anyikwa Chukwuemeka Louis INTRODUCTION It is without doubt that the human immunodeficiency viral disease is the most widespread disease in recent human history. It is a plague, a menace and a nightmare. A cure has eluded us all for the better part of the time we have known this virus. HUMAN DEFICIENCY VIRUS The human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) are two species of Lentivirus (a subgroup of retrovirus) that causes HIV infection and over time acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV infects vital cells in the human immune system, such as helper T cells (specifically CD4+ T cells), macrophages, and dendritic cells. HIV infection leads to low levels of CD4+ T cells through a number of mechanisms: 1. Pyroptosis of abortively infected T cells 2. Apoptosis of uninfected bystander cells 3. Direct viral killing of infected cells 4. Killing of infected CD4+ T cells by CD8+ cytotoxic lymphocytes that recognize infected cells. When CD4+


INTRODUCTION: Wound debridement is a medical procedure in which dead, damaged and infected tissues as well as foreign bodies in a wound is removed to facilitate healing.  It is a very important procedure because presence of necrotic or dead tissues in a wound prevents the physiological process of wound healing whereby granulation tissue formation is limited if not stoped.   Organisms can colonize the wound through these necrotic tissues which generally can result in infection of the wound therefore debridement reduces risk of infection and facilitates healing.  Not all wounds may require debridement. Mainly wound which requires debridement are old or severe wounds which aren't getting better or is at risk of infection. Examples are Chronic ulcers, severe burns, etc. TYPES OF DEBRIDEMENT   Biological debridement  Enzymatic debridement  Conservative sharp or surgical sharp debridement  Mechanical debridement  Autolytic debridement  1: BIOLOGICAL DEBRIDEMENT   It is also c