

THE BRITISH-IGBO WAR THAT LASTED FOR 31 YEARS (1883-1914).  From  THE FIERCEST WARRIORS THAT FOUGHT THE BRITISH FOR 31 YEARS:  The British penetration of Nigeria met with various forms of resistance throughout the country. The Ekumeku Movement consisted of a series of uprisings against the rising power of the Royal Niger Company of the British Empire in Anioma, the Igbo subgroup in present day Delta State. The resolutions of the Berlin conference of 1884-1885, gave European nations the rights to lay claim to lands and resources in Africa. Britain, who had engaged in the trade with coastal cities before and during the 19th century, made bold their intentions to covet resources and rule over indigenous nations all over Africa. They came with guns and preachers. Many Africans tribes resisted the British invaders, and this led to protracted wars. Many African tribes put up a great fight against the superior firepower of the suppr


A NATURAL RESISTANCE TO HIV INFECTION. By Anyikwa Chukwuemeka Louis INTRODUCTION It is without doubt that the human immunodeficiency viral disease is the most widespread disease in recent human history. It is a plague, a menace and a nightmare. A cure has eluded us all for the better part of the time we have known this virus. HUMAN DEFICIENCY VIRUS The human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) are two species of Lentivirus (a subgroup of retrovirus) that causes HIV infection and over time acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV infects vital cells in the human immune system, such as helper T cells (specifically CD4+ T cells), macrophages, and dendritic cells. HIV infection leads to low levels of CD4+ T cells through a number of mechanisms: 1. Pyroptosis of abortively infected T cells 2. Apoptosis of uninfected bystander cells 3. Direct viral killing of infected cells 4. Killing of infected CD4+ T cells by CD8+ cytotoxic lymphocytes that recognize infected cells. When CD4+


INTRODUCTION: Wound debridement is a medical procedure in which dead, damaged and infected tissues as well as foreign bodies in a wound is removed to facilitate healing.  It is a very important procedure because presence of necrotic or dead tissues in a wound prevents the physiological process of wound healing whereby granulation tissue formation is limited if not stoped.   Organisms can colonize the wound through these necrotic tissues which generally can result in infection of the wound therefore debridement reduces risk of infection and facilitates healing.  Not all wounds may require debridement. Mainly wound which requires debridement are old or severe wounds which aren't getting better or is at risk of infection. Examples are Chronic ulcers, severe burns, etc. TYPES OF DEBRIDEMENT   Biological debridement  Enzymatic debridement  Conservative sharp or surgical sharp debridement  Mechanical debridement  Autolytic debridement  1: BIOLOGICAL DEBRIDEMENT   It is also c


DIGITAL RECTAL EXAMINATION ( DRE).     Digital rectal examination is an examination in which a doctor inserts a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to feel for abnormalities. It is a part of abdominal examination. The abnormalities in question include: prostate complications, cancer, pile/hemorrhoid, fistula and fecal impaction in which hardened feces are collected in the rectum or colon obstructing normal movement of feces. It is done mainly by inspection and palpation. In inspection, the clinical can check for swellings,  inflammation, ulceration, blood stains, rashes, encopresis( fecal soiling) which can denote valvular incompetence, tumour, etc around the anal region. In palpation, the clinician gently inserts a lubricated gloved finger into the rectum from the anus. In insertion,  the pulp of the finger and not the tip goes in followed by the whole finger. The lubricant must not be harmful. The finger is gently brushed around the rectal mucosa to feel


THE HOUSE OF DEATH IN IMO STATE. It is popularly called "the house of death" the house to millions of gods perhaps, in Amaigbo Umu-Anu in imo State. The owner of the building you see in the picture below remains unknown to the villagers, No one lives there, but at the dead of the night the building comes alive with lights and sounds with no signs or traces of electric wires nor cables attached to the building or even the buzzing sound of a power generator. Scariest part is that this building has no door entrance, openings nor pathways, no gates, just a squared fence with no gate to get in. In 2012 a boy called Ebuka Ikechukwu was curious enough to know what the lights and sounds in the house was all about and what was responsible for it, he scaled through the fence and made his way into the building using a window opening, and that was the last people saw of him because he didn’t make it out, he has not been seen even as u read through this piece. It was believed